At Fundamental Software, we are constantly searching for innovative and effective tools that promote privacy and digital hygiene. Here we will share details about a tool, script, technique, or approach that has piqued our interest.
Tool in the spotlight: Pure URL
Tool in the Spotlight: Pure URL, a Firefox extension that removes tracking query string fields like “utm_source=*” from URLs (the homepage of its creator is here. NOTE: while, according to the add-on web page, the tools declares to be available under the GPL v3.0, we can’t find the location of its actual source code). What … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: Pure URL”
Tool in the spotlight: Random Agent Spoofer
Tool in the Spotlight: Random Agent Spoofer, a Firefox extension that gives you control over how your browser identifies to sites you visit. Many sites create a fingerprint of you when you visit them. Usually, this information contains the ‘User Agent’ string, which (oversimplified) is a combination of the name of your browser, its version … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: Random Agent Spoofer”
Tool in the spotlight: uMatrix
Tool in the Spotlight: Firefox extension – uMatrix. uMatrix is a tool we love because it puts you back in control of where your browser will connect to when you visit a web page instead of handing that control over to whoever created the web page. Without it, your browser will just connect to and … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: uMatrix”
Tool in the spotlight: Youtube-dl
Tool in the Spotlight: youtube-dl, a command-line program to download videos from your favorite video site(s). It works on Linux, Windows and macOS. This tool enables you to download (almost) any video from your favorite video site so you can watch it later or just keep a copy of it around. It has support for … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: Youtube-dl”
Tool in the spotlight: Decentraleyes
Tool in the Spotlight: Decentraleyes, a Firefox extension which performs local emulation of Content Delivery Networks (CDN): Websites have increasingly begun to rely much more on large third-parties for content delivery. Canceling requests for ads or trackers is usually without issue, however blocking actual content, not unexpectedly, breaks pages. The aim of this add-on is … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: Decentraleyes”
Tool in the spotlight: HTTPS Everywhere
Tool in the Spotlight: HTTPS Everywhere, a Firefox extension by the good folks at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure. It checks whether websites you visit offer encrypted browsing and if they do, automatically switches you to the encrypted version of the website. … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: HTTPS Everywhere”
Tool in the spotlight: Click&Clean
Tool in the Spotlight: Click&Clean, a Firefox extension that eliminates data related to your current browser session and which can be set up so that it automatically clears out any residual browsing data when you terminate your browser. This way, every time you start your browser, you start with a clean slate. NOTE: we are entirely … Continue reading “Tool in the spotlight: Click&Clean”
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